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The Secret to Long-Lasting Fragrance: Why You Should Spray Perfume on Your Ankles

The Secret to Long-Lasting Fragrance: Why You Should Spray Perfume on Your Ankles

Posted by MAIR on Jun 24th 2024

When it comes to applying perfume, most people instinctively target their wrists, neck, and behind the ears. However, there is a lesser-known yet highly effective spot that can enhance the longevity and diffusion of your favorite scent—your ankles. This simple yet often overlooked trick can elevate your fragrance game, ensuring you smell delightful all day long. Here's why you should consider adding your ankles to your perfume routine. 1. Enhanced Scent Longevity One of the primary rea …
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Why Perfumes Smell Different Based on Region

Why Perfumes Smell Different Based on Region

Posted by MAIR on Jun 21st 2024

Perfumes smell different in various parts of the world because they are influenced by local traditions, ingredients, and cultures. For example, Egyptian perfumes are known for their strong scents, which come from ancient traditions and ingredients like oud and spices. Italian fragrances, on the other hand, are admired for their creativity and unique blends inspired by art and history. These regional differences add richness and diversity to the world of perfumery worldwide. Strength of Egyp …
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The State of Sustainability in the Fragrance Industry

The State of Sustainability in the Fragrance Industry

Posted by MAIR on Jun 13th 2024

It takes a village to produce your favorite perfume, from the floral picker to the farmer. Each stage of production involves numerous contributors, reflecting a complex supply chain with significant environmental implications. However, the term "sustainable fragrance" lacks a standardized legal definition, leaving the interpretation to individual brands.Sustainability Practices in the Fragrance IndustryIngredient SourcingOne of the most critical aspects of sustainability in the fragrance industr …
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