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Which Fragrance Category Lasts the Longest?  A Guide to Long-Lasting Perfumes

Which Fragrance Category Lasts the Longest? A Guide to Long-Lasting Perfumes

Posted by MAIR on May 31st 2024

Thought we'd piggy back off our last blog about gourmand fragrances and stay in the topic of styles of perfume. Choosing a fragrance is more than just finding a scent you love; it’s also about how long that fragrance will last throughout the day. Whether you’re heading to work, a social event, or a special occasion, understanding the longevity of different types of perfumes can help you make the best choice. In this blog, we’ll explore which fragrance categories tend to last the longes …
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​Does Perfume Expire?

​Does Perfume Expire?

Posted by MAIR on Feb 21st 2024

Perfume is more than just a scent; it's an expression of personality and style. But, like all good things, there's often a question lingering in the background: does perfume expire? Let's debunk myths surrounding this, and uncover the truth behind the longevity of your favorite scents. Do Perfumes Have an Expiry Date? The notion of perfume expiration can be a perplexing one. While some may argue that fragrances last forever, others believe they have a limited shelf life. So, what's the tru …
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Making Your Fragrance Last: Tips for Long-Lasting Scents and Smart Shopping

Making Your Fragrance Last: Tips for Long-Lasting Scents and Smart Shopping

Posted by MAIR on Nov 1st 2023

Have you ever applied a phenomenal fragrance in the morning, only to find it has faded away by midday? Achieving a long-lasting fragrance experience is a common desire for perfume enthusiasts. Fortunately, there are tricks to make your scent linger longer on your skin. Additionally, when purchasing a fragrance, it's essential to choose one that will withstand the test of time. Let's explore simple ways for making your fragrance last longer and provide you with a set of questions to ask at the be …
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